
file  rkhtrc.h
 Specifies the interface of trace facility.
file  rkhtrc_define.h
 Defines constants and macros which are internally used by RKH trace facility.
file  rkhtrc_filter.h
 Specifies the runtime filter operations for the trace facility.
file  rkhtrc_out.h
 Specifies the interface to get out the trace records from the instrumented application.
file  rkhtrc_record.h
 Defines the trace records.
file  rkhtrc_stream.h
 Specifies the trace stream manager (circular buffer).


#define RKH_FILTER_ON_GROUP(grp)   rkh_trc_filter_group_(FILTER_ON, (grp), EUNCHANGE)
 Suppress the enabled trace events from a specific group. Use the RKH_TRC_ALL_GROUPS to disable all groups.
#define RKH_FILTER_OFF_GROUP(grp)   rkh_trc_filter_group_(FILTER_OFF, (grp), EUNCHANGE)
 Emit the enabled trace events from a specific group. Use the RKH_TRC_ALL_GROUPS to enable all groups.
#define RKH_FILTER_ON_EVENT(evt)   rkh_trc_filter_event_(FILTER_ON, (evt))
 Suppress (disable) one trace event. Use the RKH_TRC_ALL_EVENTS to disable all trace events.
#define RKH_FILTER_OFF_EVENT(evt)   rkh_trc_filter_event_(FILTER_OFF, (evt))
 Emit (enable) one trace event. Use the RKH_TRC_ALL_EVENTS to enable all trace events. More...
#define RKH_FILTER_ON_GROUP_ALL_EVENTS(grp)   rkh_trc_filter_group_(FILTER_ON, (grp), ECHANGE)
 Suppress (disable) all events in a specific group.
#define RKH_FILTER_OFF_GROUP_ALL_EVENTS(grp)   rkh_trc_filter_group_(FILTER_OFF, (grp), ECHANGE)
 Emit (enable) all events in a specific group. More...
#define RKH_FILTER_ON_SMA(sma)
 Suppress the enable trace events related to a specified active object.
#define RKH_FILTER_ON_ALL_SMA()   rkh_trc_symFil(RKHFilterSma, 0, RKH_TRC_SET_ALL(FILTER_ON))
 Suppress all enabled trace events related to active objects.
#define RKH_FILTER_OFF_SMA(sma)
 Emmit the enabled trace events related to a specified active object.
#define RKH_FILTER_OFF_ALL_SMA()   rkh_trc_symFil(RKHFilterSma, 0, RKH_TRC_SET_ALL(FILTER_OFF))
 Emmit all enabled trace events related to active objects.
#define RKH_FILTER_ON_SIGNAL(sig)   rkh_trc_symFil(RKHFilterSignal, (sig), FILTER_ON)
 Suppress the enabled trace events related to a specified event signal.
#define RKH_FILTER_ON_ALL_SIGNALS()   rkh_trc_symFil(RKHFilterSignal, 0, RKH_TRC_SET_ALL(FILTER_ON))
 Suppress all enabled trace events related to signals.
#define RKH_FILTER_OFF_SIGNAL(sig)   rkh_trc_symFil(RKHFilterSignal, (sig), FILTER_OFF)
 Emmit the enabled trace events related to a specified event signal.
#define RKH_FILTER_OFF_ALL_SIGNALS()   rkh_trc_symFil(RKHFilterSignal, 0, RKH_TRC_SET_ALL(FILTER_OFF))
 Emmit all enabled trace events related to signals.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

#define RKH_FILTER_OFF_EVENT (   evt)    rkh_trc_filter_event_(FILTER_OFF, (evt))

Emit (enable) one trace event. Use the RKH_TRC_ALL_EVENTS to enable all trace events.

The container group is enabled, reglardless of its previous status.

Definition at line 103 of file rkhtrc_filter.h.

#define RKH_FILTER_OFF_GROUP_ALL_EVENTS (   grp)    rkh_trc_filter_group_(FILTER_OFF, (grp), ECHANGE)

Emit (enable) all events in a specific group.

The container group is enabled, reglardless of its previous status.

Definition at line 124 of file rkhtrc_filter.h.